Safety is very important to us at Microsynthesis. It is of the highest importance that the products that we produce perform their tasks correctly and with no danger to human life. Often our products keep our clients safe and reduce accidents in the workplace such as our radar system that reduced accidents at a quarry.

Samsung has the same care and attention with many of their products and in an attempt to save precious human lives and reduce horrific accidents they are trialling their own see through trucks. Using wireless cameras and huge displays their trucks can display oncoming traffic helping those wanting to overtake trucks to get a better view of the road ahead.

This did bring up some concerns in the Microsynthesis office. What happens when there is an accident involving a Samsung camera truck? What if the driver swears that he thought the road was clear when it wasn’t? What if the camera malfunctions and gets stuck showing only a clear bit of road? The possibilities are there for saving lives but this could backfire. We hope it won’t.

Make sure you keep safe when driving on the roads, and be careful when overtaking large trucks. We don’t want anyone getting hurt out there.


See through Samsung trucks reduce accidents, increase safety
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