Mobile phones used to be a small device that allowed you to make calls and get texts but in recent years they have grown to be much larger and smarter devices. The problem is that innovation is difficult for huge
Disney researches into lights that talk through the Internet of Things
The internet of things is a term that has come to describe the way that different gadgets throughout your house can communicate with one another. This means that your fridge could talk to your phone and tell you that you have
Embedded design show in Coventry to show latest electronic design trends
Technology moves at an impressive rate and it is hard to keep track of the newest designs and products that are being created, especially when you are so busy working away at your own projects. Trade shows are an excellent
Transparent battery charges devices with the power of the sun
Recharging your phone, tablet or laptop device is one of the main bugbears of our increasingly tech-intensive society. As we all rush around, trying to find a convenient charging point becomes a daily mission. But imagine a day where you
Radar chips put in cars to increase road safety
What comes to mind when you think about radar systems? Do you immediately think of submarines or planes? What about cars? Today, radar systems are increasingly available for private vehicles. Once upon a time, radar systems were only seen in
See through Samsung trucks reduce accidents, increase safety
Safety is very important to us at Microsynthesis. It is of the highest importance that the products that we produce perform their tasks correctly and with no danger to human life. Often our products keep our clients safe and reduce
Microsynthesis goes social!
After a very successful website launch this week Microsynthesis has also launched their brand new social channel! In order to keep up with the very latest that is happening with the company you can follow us on Twitter. You can